Written at 3am on July 30, 2010 right after I returned from Haiti
This night as I sink tired, yet comfortably into bed I am overwhelmed by all those whose place of rest is so uncomfortable.
This night some sleep too hot, so hot it takes your breath away...others are too cold. Some too dry, their bodies and land parched for clean refreshing water. Others are too wet. The rain soaks their roof and walls and floors and bed, it takes away their comfort and threatens their safety. Yet their exhaustion drives them to sleep, but I imagine it's a fitful sleep. Sound sleep interrupted by questions of safety and what will fill the children's empty bellies.
So this night, overwhelmed with gratefulness for my safe and comfortable bed, I am reminded of my need for mercy. Why I enjoy the safety and comfort I do not know.
I am also overwhelmed with gratefulness that my acceptance with Creator God is based not on my work or my righteousness, but on the perfect righteousness of Christ and His perfect, saving, redeeming sacrifice.
So while I rest in being a child of the Most Hight God by faith in Jesus Christ, I am reminded of His words that to whom much is given, much will be required.
So this night I find myself sinking into my safe comfortable bed begging that He will allow me to be spent that those who are hurting may know His redemption, not only in their hearts but in their lives.
Lord Jesus, have mercy.
My reflections on July 30, 2011
Having a newborn to care for, I was so grateful that we had a safe place to call home where we could care for her, that I had enough food and water and was able to nurse her, that Chris had the summer off from school and we were able to enjoy time together as a family, and that we were surrounded by friends and family who loved us and Jazmine in amazing ways.
And being a new mom, I was grieved in deep ways that there are parents all over the world who desperately want to care for their children and are not able to because of poverty, war, sickness, and so many other evils. And also grieved that there are so many children around the world who don't have someone to love, care for, and protect them.
July 30, 2012
Today I find myself on the brink of a new season in life as we have recently moved, Chris is done with school and has started a new job. I continue to find myself overwhelmed with gratefulness for the Lord's sustaining us and providing for us. We continue to ask what it looks like that we would joyfully spend ourselves so that others may see a tangible reflection of His love, care and provision...