There was a consensus that quarterly newsletter updates are good, that people do want to hear a combo of the overall ministry, my specific role, and how my family is doing. And EVERYONE wants more pictures of Jazmine :)
One thing I heard from a number of people was a request for more prayer updates. So hear is my goal...
I'm committed to actually sending out quarterly newsletter updates (not just drafting them) that are hopefully interesting to read, and have plenty of pictures of Jazmine.
But in between the newsletters, I'd like to do a once a month blog post with ways you can pray for the ministry and/or my family.
So....It's not the end of January yet and here's a prayer update! Thankful to be off to a decent start :)
We would covet your prayers for the ministry as we cast vision and set goals for the year.
I am honored to be part of a ministry that exists to empower the church to care for orphans....until they all have homes.
Please pray that the Lord will grant the entire World Orphans team joy in working hard in our roles, unity in working as a team spread out all over the US and around the world, and that in the midst of the details (which are really important) that we'll keep our eyes on the eternal purpose of what God has called us to as we equip, inspire, and mobilize the church to care for orphans and vulnerable see churches engaged, children restored, and communities transformed by the Gospel of Christ.