World Orphans offers only true family-care model for orphaned & abandoned children in China
China has one of the largest orphan populations in the world. Many of these children are abandoned due to physical disabilities, because of China’s one-child policy, or simply because they are girls. Although the Christian church is not able to have a physical presence, our network partner is reaching out to these precious ones with the help of local house churches.
Watch our new video to see how World Orphans is helping provide biblical family care for 76 children at the Bejing Training Center – children who are not eligible for Chinese government assistance under their strict guidelines. Without the center, these children would be left to indifferent family members or forced to survive on their own.
The Training Center is located in a former school that has been renovated to form 10 apartment-style homes, a central eating area and the training areas. The children are divided into families of eight who live with carefully selected Christian house parents devoted to providing the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental care they need.
Each of these 10 apartment home is in need of immediate monthly financial partnership of $810.
There are 3 ways you can help:
- Give a one time gift to this project
- Pledge $44 a month to this project. (You can set up easy recurring monthly payments online.)
- Raise up a group of partners and sponsor one of these 10 apartments for $810/month.