Monday, September 28, 2009

Too much...not enough...

Water is so...unique. That's not really the word I'm looking for, but can't think of another one.

It can be so calm and beautiful, and it can be raging and ravaging.

Right now there are parts of the world that are too dry and in desperate need of water. And simultaneously there are places where the volume of water is destroying homes and lives.

So as you sip water today, be reminded to pray.

Pray for those in need that they will have clean water to drink and rain to cause the crops to grow. And pray for those who are flooded - that God would rescue them and help them trust in His goodness in the midst of unexplainable devastation. And pray for all of us, everywhere - whether thirsting for water, drowning from the excess, or have what we need and don't really think about it. May we all thirst after the Living Water that never runs dry...

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